In this article, we discuss the compuatation of the confidence lower bound (see Section 4) and estimator (see Section 3) developed in Patra and Sen (2016). We also discuss the appropriate choice for the tuning parameter involved. The codes used here can be downloaded from here.
We first genrate an i.i.d sample of size \(n= 5000\) from \[F = \alpha_0 * \text{Beta}(1,10) + (1- \alpha_0 ) \text{Unif}(0,1),\] where \(\alpha_0 =.1.\)
## Iso 0.0-17
## Loading required package: lattice
## Loading required package: robustbase
data.gen<- function( n, alpha){
ind<- rbinom(n, 1, alpha)
data<- ind* rbeta(n, 1,5) + (1-ind)* runif(n,0,1)
data.1<- data.gen(n = 5000, alpha = .1)
For all computation in the above mixture model, we will use the R function named est.mix.model. Different values for the variable method lead to computation of different quantties.
The following code computes the \(95\%\) confidence lower bound for \(\alpha_0\)
est.lwr.bnd <- est.mix.model(data.1, method = "lwr.bnd", gridsize = 600)
## Call:est.mix.model(data = data.1, method = "lwr.bnd", gridsize = 600)
## [1] "The '95%' lower confidence for alp_0 is 0.0683333333333333"
The following code computes an estimate of \(\alpha_0\) using the default choice of the tuning parameter, i.e., \(c_n = 0.1 \log(\log(n))\)
est.default <- est.mix.model(data.1, method = "fixed", gridsize = 600)
## Warning in est.mix.model(data.1, method = "fixed", gridsize = 600): 'c.n'
## is not given. Fixing it to be '0.1*log(log(n))
## Call:est.mix.model(data = data.1, method = "fixed", gridsize = 600)
## [1] "Estimate of alp is 0.0966666666666667"
## [1] " The chosen value c_n is 0.214208684893753"
The follwoing code gives an estimator of \(\alpha_0\) when \(c_n\) is chosen to be \(0.05 \log\log(n)\)
est.fixed <- est.mix.model(data.1, method = "fixed", c.n = .05*log(log(length(data.1))), gridsize = 600)
We can use the same function as above to compute the esimate of \(\alpha_0\) when \(c_n\) is chosen via cross-validation. The only difference being we have set method to be cv. <- est.mix.model(data.1, method = "cv", gridsize = 600)
## Warning in cv.mixmodel(data, folds = folds, reps = reps, cn.s = cn.s,
## cn.length = cn.length, : Make sure that data is transformed such that F_b
## is Uniform(0,1)
## [1] "Expected time for completion"
## Time difference of 31.47532 secs
## Call:est.mix.model(data = data.1, method = "cv", gridsize = 600)
## [1] "Estimate of alp is 0.11"
## [1] " The chosen value c_n is 0.11839898219582"
Patra, Rohit Kumar, and Bodhisattva Sen. 2016. “Estimation of a Two-Component Mixture Model with Applications to Multiple Testing.” J. R. Stat. Soc. Ser. B. Stat. Methodol. 78 (4): 869–93. doi:10.1111/rssb.12148.